Summer is here! Kick off your shoes, grab a blanket, your favorite chair or slide into the hammock with your favorite books! Most local libraries are offering summer reading programs for kids of all ages with reading charts and incentives for kids to dive into a sea of books all summer long. It's not too late to sign up and get reading! Most programs are starting within the next week... Howe Library: Runs June 22nd-August 18th Adventure Begins At Your Library Fun events all summer long! Howe Library Summer Reading Program has something for everyone, no matter what your age and interest. Check out our reading challenges below and go to our events page for more fun happenings. Lebanon Libraries: Starting June 12th 1:00PM Join us at the Lebanon Public Libraries this summer for books, games, music, adventure, prizes, and more! We've got special programs planned this summer and you are invited! Come to the Lebanon Library and the Kilton Library and sign up for the Summer Reading Program. It starts on the last day of school (June 12th) at 1pm. We will also have a Bubbles and Boba event for teens at Kilton on June 12 from 5-6pm. Everyone is invited--kids, teens, and adults! There's something for everyone at the library. Hartford Libraries: Special Reading Club events most Thursday Afternoons all summer long And while you're there, did you know that a lot of area libraries offer passes to museums, aquariums and other places of interest. Ask about how you can take advantage of these passes and enjoy some summer fun and save!